Alpet 2022
King James Version
1. Then the LORD appeared to him by the terebinth trees of Mamre, as he was sitting in the tent door in the heat of the day. 2. So he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, three men were standing by him; and when he saw them , he ran from the tent door to meet them, and bowed himself to the ground, 3. and said, "My Lord, if I have now found favor in Your sight, do not pass on by Your servant. 4. "Please let a little water be brought, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree. 5. "And I will bring a morsel of bread, that you may refresh your hearts. After that you may pass by, inasmuch as you have come to your servant." They said, "Do as you have said." 6. So Abraham hurried into the tent to Sarah and said, "Quickly, make ready three measures of fine meal; knead it and make cakes." 7. And Abraham ran to the herd, took a tender and good calf, gave it to a young man, and he hastened to prepare it. 8. So he took butter and milk and the calf which he had prepared, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree as they ate. 9. Then they said to him, "Where is Sarah your wife?" So he said, "Here, in the tent." 10. And He said, "I will certainly return to you according to the time of life, and behold, Sarah your wife shall have a son." (Sarah was listening in the tent door which was behind him.) 11. Now Abraham and Sarah were old, well advanced in age; and Sarah had passed the age of childbearing. 12. Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, "After I have grown old, shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?" 13. And the LORD said to Abraham, "Why did Sarah laugh, saying, ‘Shall I surely bear a child , since I am old?’ 14. "Is anything too hard for the LORD? At the appointed time I will return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son." 15. But Sarah denied it , saying, "I did not laugh," for she was afraid. And He said, "No, but you did laugh!" 16. Then the men rose from there and looked toward Sodom, and Abraham went with them to send them on the way. 17. And the LORD said, "Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing, 18. "since Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? 19. "For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and justice, that the LORD may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him." 20. And the LORD said, "Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grave, 21. "I will go down now and see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry against it that has come to Me; and if not, I will know." 22. Then the men turned away from there and went toward Sodom, but Abraham still stood before the LORD. 23. And Abraham came near and said, "Would You also destroy the righteous with the wicked? 24. "Suppose there were fifty righteous within the city; would You also destroy the place and not spare it for the fifty righteous that were in it? 25. "Far be it from You to do such a thing as this, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous should be as the wicked; far be it from You! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" 26. So the LORD said, "If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes." 27. Then Abraham answered and said, "Indeed now, I who am but dust and ashes have taken it upon myself to speak to the Lord: 28. "Suppose there were five less than the fifty righteous; would You destroy all of the city for lack of five?" So He said, "If I find there forty–five, I will not destroy it ." 29. And he spoke to Him yet again and said, "Suppose there should be forty found there?" So He said, "I will not do it for the sake of forty." 30. Then he said, "Let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak: Suppose thirty should be found there?" So He said, "I will not do it if I find thirty there." 31. And he said, "Indeed now, I have taken it upon myself to speak to the Lord: Suppose twenty should be found there?" So He said, "I will not destroy it for the sake of twenty." 32. Then he said, "Let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak but once more: Suppose ten should be found there?" And He said, "I will not destroy it for the sake of ten." 33. So the LORD went His way as soon as He had finished speaking with Abraham; and Abraham returned to his place.
1. Then Eliashib the high priest rose up with his brethren the priests and built the Sheep Gate; they consecrated it and hung its doors. They built as far as the Tower of the Hundred, and consecrated it, then as far as the Tower of Hananel. 2. Next to Eliashib the men of Jericho built. And next to them Zaccur the son of Imri built. 3. Also the sons of Hassenaah built the Fish Gate; they laid its beams and hung its doors with its bolts and bars. 4. And next to them Meremoth the son of Urijah, the son of Koz, made repairs. Next to them Meshullam the son of Berechiah, the son of Meshezabel, made repairs. Next to them Zadok the son of Baana made repairs. 5. Next to them the Tekoites made repairs; but their nobles did not put their shoulders to the work of their Lord. 6. Moreover Jehoiada the son of Paseah and Meshullam the son of Besodeiah repaired the Old Gate; they laid its beams and hung its doors, with its bolts and bars. 7. And next to them Melatiah the Gibeonite, Jadon the Meronothite, the men of Gibeon and Mizpah, repaired the residence of the governor of the region beyond the River. 8. Next to him Uzziel the son of Harhaiah, one of the goldsmiths, made repairs. Also next to him Hananiah, one of the perfumers, made repairs; and they fortified Jerusalem as far as the Broad Wall. 9. And next to them Rephaiah the son of Hur, leader of half the district of Jerusalem, made repairs. 10. Next to them Jedaiah the son of Harumaph made repairs in front of his house. And next to him Hattush the son of Hashabniah made repairs. 11. Malchijah the son of Harim and Hashub the son of Pahath–Moab repaired another section, as well as the Tower of the Ovens. 12. And next to him was Shallum the son of Hallohesh, leader of half the district of Jerusalem; he and his daughters made repairs. 13. Hanun and the inhabitants of Zanoah repaired the Valley Gate. They built it, hung its doors with its bolts and bars, and repaired a thousand cubits of the wall as far as the Refuse Gate. 14. Malchijah the son of Rechab, leader of the district of Beth Haccerem, repaired the Refuse Gate; he built it and hung its doors with its bolts and bars. 15. Shallun the son of Col–Hozeh, leader of the district of Mizpah, repaired the Fountain Gate; he built it, covered it, hung its doors with its bolts and bars, and repaired the wall of the Pool of Shelah by the King’s Garden, as far as the stairs that go down from the City of David. 16. After him Nehemiah the son of Azbuk, leader of half the district of Beth Zur, made repairs as far as the place in front of the tombs of David, to the man–made pool, and as far as the House of the Mighty. 17. After him the Levites, under Rehum the son of Bani, made repairs. Next to him Hashabiah, leader of half the district of Keilah, made repairs for his district. 18. After him their brethren, under Bavai the son of Henadad, leader of the other half of the district of Keilah, made repairs. 19. And next to him Ezer the son of Jeshua, the leader of Mizpah, repaired another section in front of the Ascent to the Armory at the buttress. 20. After him Baruch the son of Zabbai carefully repaired the other section, from the buttress to the door of the house of Eliashib the high priest. 21. After him Meremoth the son of Urijah, the son of Koz, repaired another section, from the door of the house of Eliashib to the end of the house of Eliashib. 22. And after him the priests, the men of the plain, made repairs. 23. After him Benjamin and Hasshub made repairs opposite their house. After them Azariah the son of Maaseiah, the son of Ananiah, made repairs by his house. 24. After him Binnui the son of Henadad repaired another section, from the house of Azariah to the buttress, even as far as the corner. 25. Palal the son of Uzai made repairs opposite the buttress, and on the tower which projects from the king’s upper house that was by the court of the prison. After him Pedaiah the son of Parosh made repairs . 26. Moreover the Nethinim who dwelt in Ophel made repairs as far as the place in front of the Water Gate toward the east, and on the projecting tower. 27. After them the Tekoites repaired another section, next to the great projecting tower, and as far as the wall of Ophel. 28. Beyond the Horse Gate the priests made repairs, each in front of his own house. 29. After them Zadok the son of Immer made repairs in front of his own house. After him Shemaiah the son of Shechaniah, the keeper of the East Gate, made repairs. 30. After him Hananiah the son of Shelemiah, and Hanun, the sixth son of Zalaph, repaired another section. After him Meshullam the son of Berechiah made repairs in front of his dwelling. 31. After him Malchijah, one of the goldsmiths, made repairs as far as the house of the Nethinim and of the merchants, in front of the Miphkad Gate, and as far as the upper room at the corner. 32. And between the upper room at the corner, as far as the Sheep Gate, the goldsmiths and the merchants made repairs.
18. And when Jesus saw great multitudes about Him, He gave a command to depart to the other side. 19. Then a certain scribe came and said to Him, "Teacher, I will follow You wherever You go." 20. And Jesus said to him, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head." 21. Then another of His disciples said to Him, "Lord, let me first go and bury my father." 22. But Jesus said to him, "Follow Me, and let the dead bury their own dead." 23. Now when He got into a boat, His disciples followed Him. 24. And suddenly a great tempest arose on the sea, so that the boat was covered with the waves. But He was asleep. 25. Then His disciples came to Him and awoke Him, saying, "Lord, save us! We are perishing!" 26. But He said to them, "Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?" Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. 27. So the men marveled, saying, "Who can this be, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?" 28. When He had come to the other side, to the country of the Gergesenes, there met Him two demon–possessed men , coming out of the tombs, exceedingly fierce, so that no one could pass that way. 29. And suddenly they cried out, saying, "What have we to do with You, Jesus, You Son of God? Have You come here to torment us before the time?" 30. Now a good way off from them there was a herd of many swine feeding. 31. So the demons begged Him, saying, "If You cast us out, permit us to go away into the herd of swine." 32. And He said to them, "Go." So when they had come out, they went into the herd of swine. And suddenly the whole herd of swine ran violently down the steep place into the sea, and perished in the water. 33. Then those who kept them fled; and they went away into the city and told everything, including what had happened to the demon–possessed men . 34. And behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus. And when they saw Him, they begged Him to depart from their region.